Don’t be afraid to delegate. Remember, the point of hiring a professional PR consultant is to let them get on with the PR so you can get on with running your business.
1. Tip: If you try to micro manage your PR consultant it means you are essentially paying for admin and not results. Step back.
It’s great that you love your business/brand/service/product – but sometimes it takes a third party to tell you that it is not really groundbreaking enough to be on the front page of a national newspaper. The PR professionals at Republic Relations have a journalist background and so will help you find the story and advise you on the best place for it.
2. Tip: A great PR pro is able to view your news from an impartial, third party view and will give you honest advice.
Understand the difference between PR and advertising. If you are paying for an advert - then this is a sales promotion tool. PR is about building trust, credibility and reputation so that you can raise awareness and insight. That makes it more valuable than advertising alone.
3. Tip: PR is not just about chasing column inches. It’s taking time to build your brand above that of your competitors.
You have briefed your Republic Relations PR consultant, agreed the strategy and set us to work. However, you are so busy you don’t really have time to look at what we have produced and all our work gets stuck in your funnel – so to speak!
4. Tip: Make time every day/week to review the work you have been sent. You will be missing valuable opportunities which your competitors could be taking. You have taken the time to invest in outsourcing your PR to Republic Relations – but if you don’t come back to us when we ask, it’s a waste of your money and our time.
Make our Republic Relations PR team part of yours. We get the best results when we are considered part of the strategic management team rather than just an afterthought. We have experience in most industry sectors in the and pride ourselves on offering creative solutions and ideas.
5. Tip: Consider Republic Relations as your in-house PR and communication team. We are always on your side and can deliver day to day content, strategic management, thought leadership, market research, events and crisis management. We’ve got your back.
If you are a busy entrepreneur and need help developing your SMEs PR and strategy get in touch today – debbie@republicrelations.co.uk or visit www.republicrelations.co.uk