I was interested to read an article in WARC which said that as advertising spend is being reduced across the board, brands are moving back to basics: namely service and trust. Good news for Manchester public relations agency Republic Relations as this means whatever your business or service you should be looking to work with a trusted and experienced communication consultant who will work with you to enhance your reputation.
The report also says brands needs to be more agile and look to make decisions quickly without huge bureaucracy. This is yet another reason for your business to outsource your public relations and communication strategy. Republic Relations PR in Manchester offer a unique way to do business which means we are not restricted by unnecessary management layers and can be as adept and flexible as clients need us to be.
Digital usage
In other news, the latest Ofcom report on how we have been using the internet during lockdown found we are spending just over four hours a day online, that’s a quarter of our waking day. Is your business taking advantage of this?
It was not surprising to learn that we have spent a lot more time video calling, using social media and streaming as we find new ways to connect to our families, our colleagues and to entertain and also educate ourselves.
Zoom is one of the biggest winners, growing from 659,000 users to 13 million, although TikTok, Houseparty and Twitch have also enjoyed unprecedented growth. YouTube also remains popular as we continue to create innovative (or sometimes, let’s be honest, not very innovative) content.
In addition, email has fallen out of favour, to be replaced by online platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger and it seems we even prefer to have a chat with our mates via video call rather than the traditional voice calls.
The OECD quite rightly states we are in the midst of the global transition towards a digital economy and society. If your SME is among the 25% of businesses who don’t have a website, online presence or any digital platforms – quite frankly, you are bonkers. Let’s have a chat about how we can help your business.