Edelman’s Trust Barometer 2020, ‘Trust and the Coronavirus’ Special Report, polled 12,000 people across the world, and revealed how consumers are already changing their purchasing behaviour and habits based on how a brand responded to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Now is probably the ideal time for PR professionals both in-house and consultancy to strengthen their role as strategic managers. Ethics in terms of both leadership and corporate social responsibility (CSR) has never been so important and so take some time to take a long, hard look at your business with a CSR audit.
CSR Audit
A CSR audit on your brand or business regardless of size, should ask:
Values – what exactly are our values? Do we really live and breathe these values in our corporate culture and also through our supply chains and how we deal with our customers?
Community – the act global, think local philosophy is more relevant that ever. We need to be aware of how our actions impact on the health of the environment where we live and right across the world.
Leadership – how accountable are our leaders? Where do they stand on issues such as equality, governance and sustainability?
Covid-19 – did we step up to the plate in our own response to the Covid-19 crisis? What did we do well and what could we have done better? What lessons can be learned to make us a better employer or a better supplier?
Republic Relations PR is ideally placed to conduct your CSR audit
It can sometimes be difficult to conduct such an audit in-house as, not to put too fine a point on it – you could be biased. Republic Relations PR in Manchester offers an impartial and honest approach to a CSR audit which will collate not just how your business has behaved during Covid-19, but perhaps most importantly, how it can change and improve for the future.
We will consider what the future looks like for your brand and your industry and what has to change to place you in a great position for the short and longer term. Micro scanning the environment, monitoring and evaluation is what we do – research should form the basis of all communication strategies. Once that is in place, public relations is focused on stakeholder engagement – getting the right message to the right people at the right time.
Be honest - are you are in a great position right now to harness and build on social capital? A thoroughly researched PR audit could your business the competitive edge. Get in touch today.